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    2010年2月2日 星期二

    The music video I helped with

    Last Spring/Summer, I bumped onto a mysterious ad at a pizza place that sought hands for a 'creative project.' It sounded vaguely related to shooting film/video so I emailed.
    Smash cut to:
    A film crew of creative types (a minority of us with any specific interest or experience in film) are shooting a music video for local band The Rising Hedons in an abandoned military housing district strewn with rubble, broken glass, a dead dog, etc.
    I'm in the crew, fluidly adapting my job title as needs arise. We shot in other, nicer, locations of course.

    I met good people on the shoot like Joe -who posted the music video on his blog and inspired me to do likewise.

    The song in question is 'Money' and you'll most clearly appreciate my contribution as an extra at 1:14. Fifty points for finders.

    2009年12月19日 星期六

    Smile, you're on TV

    My grizzly appearance made several newspapers and TV news shows, through no merit of my own.

    Professor asked us to go listen to the Senator who'd come to give a talk at our university.
    I understood none of it and I know as little about him as I know about 95% of political figures in Taiwan: nothing.
    At the end of it our prof asked us to step forward to take a picture with the Senator. My Taiwanese classmates, slow to care continued resting their buttocks.
    Me being a fame-starved whore on the other hand and seeing the half dozen reporters jumped at the chance for a souvenir. Besides the picture and caption, I got a couple more mentions among the articles published. My favorite said I pushed my way to the front to meet my long-time hero.

    Here's an article with a video.

    Here's an article with a picture.,5047,11051801+112009120300031,00.html

    Here used to be another article with a picture but has since been deleted or re-filed. I hope to recover it somehow.

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